Longridge Eze Auto Pitchfork - Black

  • Pitchfork folds into casing for easy and comfortable storage
  • Push button springs the pitchfork back into action
  • Features a magnetic ball marker holder and ball marker


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With the simple push of a button, the Retractable Auto Pitch Fork swings into its open lock position and becomes a fully operational green repairer. The pitchfork can then be folded back into its locked position so that it can be stored comfortably in your pocket without any sharp edges. The Auto Pitch Fork also features a magnetic ball marker holder and ball marker that can be easily detached and replaced when required.

Outer Carton Weight Outer Carton Weight4.92 Kg
Package Unit Weight Package Unit Weight 0.08 Kg
Outer Carton Dimensions Outer Carton Dimensions26x65x22 cm
Inner Carton Quantity Inner Carton Quantity10
Outer Carton Quantity Outer Carton Quantity50
UPC barcode UPC barcode5060158894925
Packaged Dimensions Packaged Dimensions21.5x13x2.5 cm
planet Country of OriginCN
commodity code Commodity Code9506399000

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